Monday, November 28, 2011

i'm being kicked out of my zone!

January 2004
I started my year training for my new team. I waited months for this. I was hired on September 2003, but we were not to start until 2004. I arrived at 7am, training starts at 8. (I was really ever punctual, i'm not sure what happened after some years! lol!) I met my friends, most i'm still in touch with today. About 6 months into the job, i was moved to another function. I felt empowered, since my new teammates were team leads from other trades. Sadly, this team of all-stars was dissolved, and i was back to Manifests come 2006.

September 2006
I made a bold move. I clicked "Apply" in our company's intranet. I landed a new role in the "greener pasture". Thus, my career as chat support Joyce was born. I enjoyed being able to help people with their problems. Somehow, I felt the business depended on me and the rest of my team. Because, without us, who would help the front office confirm bookings, reroute products and send copies of manifests? Who would help Sales process contracts and make sure we charge the right amount? Who would make sure the invoices are printed on time with the correct ROE? Ah, yes! the blissful feeling of being needed.

December 2006
Still in the "greener pasture". I got an early call from my supervisor, "bring your passport when you come in later. You're going to India." Whoah! India! I'm going to ride a plane! Yeeee! I was so happy. This was the start of my jet-setting career! haha! This was my ticket to bigger opportunities. The system i went to training for got me most of what i have (experiences!)

November 2007
My first time to travel alone. I was sent to Singapore for 4 days. Not bad at all! It was such an expensive city,  but really beautiful. I loved my hotel room so much and my late night bubble-bath soak :-)

February 2008
My dreams came true. I boarded a plane to London! A very long flight, but i didn't mind a bit. I was so excited and scared at the same time. I stayed for 3 months. The highlights? The moment i set foot in England, it was a freezing 0 degrees Celsius! Wow! On our way to our flats, we passed by Buckingham Palace and the  Tower of London! Again, WOW! My London experience is beyond words. It was very liberating. My favorite tour was the out-of-London trip. We went to Bath, Windsor and Salisbury. Yes! Hello Stonehenge! i got postcard-worthy pictures! We took the John the Ripper walking tour, which was absolutely awesome. I love the gossip, the thrill, the almost-truth behind the story. While taking our long overdue bus tour, it snowed! another wow moment! We took the Beatles walking tour as well. And of course London Eye and the Wax Museum and The Tower of London tour! We got to see the crown jewels, and it got really creepy while inside the Bloody Tower (wohooo!). I went home on April 20 - this was after my generous manager took me on a drive to Kent and Dover. She's a nice lady, my English mum :)

August 2008
They got me back! When i thought things could not get any better, i was sent back to London. I flew business class, aha! :-) Talk about firsts! I will always remember the pancakes they served in the plane. I met a Filipina lady on the plane. She is bound to Cardiff in Wales. She's a kind lady, i met her daughter and grandson when they came to pick her up. We exchanged numbers to keep in touch. Unfortunately (or fortunately), my pick-up didn't arrive. I made a few calls, and decided i will take the Tube instead. So i walked, dragging my 30-kg suitcase along. I think i took 3 line transfers, and was helped by a couple of good Samaritans to carry my suitcase up a huge flight of stairs going to the train. It was raining that day. After 1 hour and 45 minutes, i finally got off the Aldgate Station. After asking for directions, i managed to find my hotel. Yay! I made it! After i checked in, i sent a text message to my new Nanay in Wales, thanking them for talking to me while waiting for my sundo. They replied and invited me to come visit them on November 7 (Nanay's Birthday). So yeah, i was back in London, and i booked my visit to Wales, too. I only spent 6GBP for my round-trip bus ticket. That was really cheap. :-) Aside from this, my generous manager took me to watch football! Chelsea! yeah! it couldn't have been any better.

2008 was my travel year. The next trip i got was very recent. August 1-5, 2011, i went to Chennai, India. I saw the longest shoreline ever! It was a beautiful place. I really love it. And i love Indian food :-)) i really do.

But just 3 weeks ago, i got wind we are being outsourced. IT support, i mean. Come 2nd week of December, people from my "new" office will be coming to give us job offers. And despite all the beautiful things that happened to me in the "greener pasture", i think i will accept.

Change is good. I just have to keep repeating this to myself over and over to convince my heart it is. Because it's not a nice feeling to leave my friends and home of 8 years that easily. I felt like i was being kicked out. Like they don't want me anymore. Like they don't need me. I have never imagined myself leaving the "greener pasture" - at least not like this...

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