Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Tuesday Report

Tuesday. It was so difficult dragging myself out of bed this morning. I got up at 6.30am, 2 hours later than usual, but i paced with no hint of hurry. I took my sweet time sipping coffee and taking a bath afterwards. I left the house at around 8am, an hour later than i should. Again, no urgency felt. It's like my mind was adrift elsewhere, to where i don't know.
I was lucky to arrive in the office 2 minutes before the start of my shift. Heaven is being forgiving :) My friend was already there. We suddenly began talking about our plans. We're just a month old in the office (we were outsourced). But all the gut feel i had when i first met the people i'm to work with are sadly true. My hunches are not nice, that's why i kept them to myself. I didn't want to rant in front of my team and spread negativity. I wanted all of us to try and give change a chance. But you know how it feels like to be working your a*s off and still it seems like there is NOTHING being appreciated and actually noticed? It's not a nice thing - but this early I'm feeling this and so does my friend (out goes my theory that i'm still bitter over the business move that kicked me out of my 1st company). WORK DEPARTMENT: FAILing

On other news, I have this crush (ewwww... so highschool!!!). I have developed this scary habit of searching for him ever morning when i log in and then a few more times within the day. i was able to find him yesterday, but he was late. Shift was 10am but he came in 10.30am (okay, you can freak out. but i have done nothing else, i promise! making sure he's in the office is the worst!) Today, i was waiting for him as usual. But when i searched, i couldn't find his name *gasp*. I swear, i got worried. I'm still worried. I have a partner in crime - Nathalie, who contacted me in the afternoon to tell me she couldn't find his name and she thinks he's resigned :'( I felt numb (promise, this is really weird). It was like the only think link that binds us was purposely snatched. I couldn't work even more after that. Where could he be? What happened to him? I can only wish he was not terminated... What would happen to our future is he keeps on switching jobs??? Chos! hahaha! Great, im really turning into a madwoman! HEART DEPARTMENT: FALLing

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