Thursday, November 15, 2012

an urge of random-ness

I woke up later than i intended to. My schedule has been really erratic lately - not allowing me to get my usual seven hours of sleep a day. Thankfully, my crankiness has been hibernating (okay, except yesterday) and I'm still able to smile and laugh with the people around me. They're not really used to seeing me quiet (i think). No one believes me when I say I'm really an introvert. Oh, well.. :)

I had a little field trip before going to the office this morning. I decided I wanted a cup of my favorite coffee beverage in the whole wide world. I don't know what got into me - why I circumnavigated Market! Market! just to get to the Starbucks store, which I could easily reach if I walked the other way. Sometimes, some me-time (yes, I consider that me-time! I'm crazy this way!) helps. Although I'm not sure that it helped clear my head, at least I know I felt okay about it and now I'm sipping may caramel mac with bliss :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

i fell in love with Loboc

Last Sunday, I was able to cross out another item in my bucket list - Lunch in Loboc Floating Restaurant. The moment the ferry sailed its way to Bohol, I was already in awe of how beautiful the ocean is. It was drizzling that morning, but I felt safe. I didn't mind being showered with rain water on my face. :)
Although the hanging bridge left my knees reeling from so much fright, the scenic view of the countryside was such a wonder to behold. I could drive around Bohol for a week and I wouldn't mind one bit.
I'll stop talking now and let the pictures do the talking.

Man-made forest


i want to have a picture taken sitting on this road

i'm definitely coming back to see you again, Loboc!